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Zobrazují se příspěvky z prosinec, 2020

Shady bussiness in Daejeon

I hate buying new things. I love repairing stuff, especially electronics or clothes. But I am horrible at repairing electronics, so I always ask my brothers and sister for help which is a little bit more difficult now, since I live in Korea and they live in the Czech Republic. Still, we try. In August this year, my phone's earphone suddenly stopped working properly. I ordered some new parts from Aliexpress and the same week I replaced it (which didn't help, it was probably a software problem) I crashed the display. Like how stupid you have to be, to just put your phone in a bicycle's basket, and then you're very surprised when your phone literally flies away? Well, I am exactly that stupid 😂 So, I ordered a new display from Aliexpress, but it came kind of broken - one chip was not connected and I didn't manage to connect it successfully. I mean, very delicate precise handwork was never my forte. There's a reason why I didn't become a dentist or surgeon, but