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How we graduated from our Korean language program

우리 가족, my latino family

So this is how we begun with our Korean studies on the 1st level

I can't believe that it's almost a year since I came to Korea. I have to say that it was amazing year, full of adventure and new experiences. I'm very happy living here in Korea, although I don't really know why. 😅


The coronavirus epidemy made our studies quite messy, but after one semester which we spent on YouTube and ZOOM, we couldn't be more happy to go back to school and start again with the offline classes. As a GKS student, I couldn't choose at which university I will be studying Korean, but I am so grateful that I was sent to Daegu University, because we had the funniest and best teachers.

The last classa on the 3rd level

I spent the whole year studying Korean language and I have to say that looking back - me coming to Korea knowing how to read very slowly and only few stupid phrases from Korean TV shows, I guess I learnt something. Now, I can say kind of everything I need in my everyday life and also I don't have problems while talking with a doctor or at the office. But I still have a long way to go - I need to learn the super formal Korean language, or the spoken and regional Korean language (for example, the dialect from Busan, which is like our Ostrava dialect, sounds so cool).

Our 4th level class

At the first level, we were taught by the amazing 김규리 (Kim Kyuri), who spoke to us only in Korean ever since the beginning, so even now I don't really get it, how we were able to understand her at that time. With our second level teacher 사공진 (Sa Gong Jin) we talked a lot about our everyday worries and joys, so she naturally became our friend and mentor. We spent the third level in the online world with 이소정 (Lee So Jeong) and the last fourth level with the unforgettable 김수신 (Kim Su Sin). I think we know almost everything about his marriage, because he liked to explain grammar through examples from his own life. By the way, once I was talking on the phone with his wife and of course I wasn't able to say anything in a normal way, so she didn't understand me at all. 🙈

Each teacher was unique in their on way and I will probably remember all of them forever! 💗
대구대학교, 내가 멋지게 보내주신 작년을 감사합니다!

After all, all of us were able to pass TOPIK and other exams from Korean language, so nobody had to return to their homecountry. On the contrary, most of us can take another step to fulfill our dreams of studying for a master's degree or PhD.

GKS 2019, Daegu University


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