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International Women's Day

I just wanted to share with you one really cool thing from Mexico which happened on 8th March (International Women's Day). Group of climbers went on the mountain Iztaccíhuatl, so they could dress the biggest women in Mexico with purple ribbon. 💜

Na obrázku může být: venku
From Bernardo Finck Vite Facebook.
Why am I sharing this? Well, we had a long discussion with my friends Tamara, Vianey and Laura about the women rights in Latin America. The thing is that there were many marches and demonstrations all over the world, not just in Mexico, during the begining of March. But people didn't march to celebrate women, but rather to alert people about violence against women and in some cases the marching people where attacked (like in Bishkek or Islamabad). I was questioning if is it actually better to use violence during these events (like in Mexico) if you're the one who is fighting against violence.

Well, than imagine that your young daughter was raped and killed. Or that your sister was killed, because she's a women. At least 386 women have been killed in instances of feminicide in Mexico since 1st January 2020. That's more than 4 killed women every day! What's the worst - many of those killers aren't punished properly and the number of killed women is constantly increasing lately. I wouldn't join in the violence even though, but now I understand why they break windows and other things. You can build a new house or repair the window. But how are you going to bring back those girls?

Considering all this, I wanted to share with you this unique activity from Mexican mountains. "Up there, on her glacier chest, we put those 40 meters of fabric to raise our voices from the highest point," said alpinist Bernardo Finck Vite. He added: "To raise awareness that violence against women is also violence against all of us and kills not only them, but also us."

Na obrázku může být: venku
From Bernardo Finck Vite Facebook.
And it's not just a coincidence that they chose Iztaccíhuatl for this event. It's a story about Popocatepetl and a beautiful princess, Iztaccíhuatl. Her father was a mighty ruler, who decided that if Popocateletl wanted to marry his daughter, he must engage in battle against the strongest enemy of the tribe and return home victorious. The young warrior loved the beautiful princess very much and he decided to accept the challenge. Meanwhile, Iztaccíhuatl waited for his return so long, that her heart became full of pain while missing him. Before Popocatepetl had reached the enemy, one of his love rivals told the princess a tragic lie. He said that Popocatepetl died during the battle. When the woman heard the news, she couldn't imagine her life without her beloved, and she fell into the deepest sorrow. As a result, she died of a broken heart.

When Popocatepetl returned, he wanted to see his future wife, but he was informed that she died. He couldn't believe the awful news and suffered for several days and nights. Than he took her to the top of a great mountain. He kissed her lips for the last time, and in the light of the smoking torch, he fell on his knees in front of her. He looked at her and imagined all of the lost years and events which could have occurred for them. He sat like this until the snow covered their bodies and they formed two majestic volcanoes. The legend says that every time the great warrior Popocatepetl remembers his beloved and his heart starts to beat faster once more, the fire and passion causes the volcano to erupt.

I really like this happening, so I wanted more people to know about it. It was peaceful, positive, men and women did it together and it took quite a lot of effort. Listen to this beautiful song, read the original post on Facebook and teach your kids, friends, brothers etc. how they should kindly treat other people. Both - women and men.


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