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My address!

Dear friends and family,

I know I haven't written anything for a long time and believe me I have two more articles "almost ready", but there is a lot of other stuff going on. Yesterday, we had the first part of our Korean language exam (essay and 10 questions) and tomorrow we will have the second part of the exam (30 test questions - grammar, reading and then speaking). Fortunately, today is the National Foundation Day (개천절), so I was studying from early morning. Yay! Well, with a "short" break: I went to work out with Patricia and Terka (We send our greetings to UPOL 😎), I cooked my ramen, I wrote this post and I did a million of other things. But! If your only wish is to send me a letter or postcard, you can send it to my dormitory address.

In Korean:
(대한민국 - Korea in hangul, so it's only logical that you don't write it on the letter here, right?)
경북 경산시 진량읍 대구대로 201
대구대학교 국제1호관 1515호
안나 포볼나

Anna Povolná
Room 1515, International Hose 1
Daegudae-ro 201, Gyeongsan, Gyeongbuk
South Korea 38453

Here in South Korea, they write addresses in a reversed order, so they put first the province, the city, then the street, etc. For example, my name in Korean is 안나 포볼나 and as you can see it is placed just before the postal code. But because you will probably send me the mail from abroad, I think it would be the best to write it like this so poor postmen in the Czech Republic and outside of Korea know where to send it:

경북 경산시 진량읍 대구대로 201
대구대학교 국제1호관 1504호
안나 포볼나
South Korea 38453

Of course you can write the whole address in a transcribed version, but it's possible that it will take longer to get here. If you write it in the hangul, maybe it'll be easier for Korean postmen to deliver it. Well, at least according to what I have found out in the depths of the Internet in the last 15 minutes, because I have the exam tomorrow, do you remember? But I have made promise last week therefore my sister Maky spammed me a lot that I owe her the address... Like seriously Áňa, what are you doing with your life?


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