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Shady bussiness in Daejeon

I hate buying new things. I love repairing stuff, especially electronics or clothes. But I am horrible at repairing electronics, so I always ask my brothers and sister for help which is a little bit more difficult now, since I live in Korea and they live in the Czech Republic. Still, we try.

In August this year, my phone's earphone suddenly stopped working properly. I ordered some new parts from Aliexpress and the same week I replaced it (which didn't help, it was probably a software problem) I crashed the display. Like how stupid you have to be, to just put your phone in a bicycle's basket, and then you're very surprised when your phone literally flies away? Well, I am exactly that stupid 😂

So, I ordered a new display from Aliexpress, but it came kind of broken - one chip was not connected and I didn't manage to connect it successfully. I mean, very delicate precise handwork was never my forte. There's a reason why I didn't become a dentist or surgeon, but I switch to nuclear physics. 😅 Well, I still tried, I connected the display, and half of the display works, which was super annoying for me. 

As a result of all this, I just decided to buy a new phone. My only conditions were: cheap and small. Therefore, I started to search on Carrot/당근. It is a Korean app for selling and buying second-hand things. I love it. I have already bought my amazing bicycle there, so what could go wrong?

I found a nice phone for a reasonable price and I texted the person. He texted back that he has a time that day, but only really late. Like at 0:30. The thing is that people in Korea don't go to sleep early, so I thought this should be ok. We were supposed to meet in a very remote area (back entrance to some supermarket), around 10 km from the KAIST campus. I wanted to go on a bike and when I started to get ready the person wrote to me if I can bring all the money in cash. I started to get suspicious. The time, place, and cash. I started to have very crazy ideas like that this is some gang and they guessed from my "Korean writing" that I am a foreigner and they will just kill me, or something like that. I have a wild fantasy.

Anyway, I left the dormitory around 23:40. I got to the place and to my big surprise three high school boys were waiting for me. 👀 They could be like 14 or 15 years old. "Are you the person who wants to buy the phone?" they asked me. They were not expecting a foreigner, so apparently, they were shocked too. I gave them the money in an envelope, they recalculated it like two or three times - I guess calculations were not their forte. Meanwhile, I tried the phone, and then we successfully finished our weird business.

I have no idea what they did with the money, why they needed it in cash, why we met so late and in such a weird place, I just hope that we didn't commit any crime. But probably they just wanted some extra money for PC bang.


  1. Carrot, the most booming app in korea
    they might gave you what they stole. Who knows.
    It is strange that it is they, not one person.

    1. Well, it was just one boy selling the phone and I guess the other two were just his friends waiting with him. I also thought that it could be a stolen phone, but he gave me the phone with the original box with charger, etc., so I don't think so. Maybe he just got a new phone, so he was selling this.



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