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New Year in Homigot

Nobody knows what will happen in the next year, but we started with a big adventure. Some time ago I and some of my friends have agreed to go for the New Year's celebration to Pohang and see the first sunrise of 2020 on Korean peninsula. It sounded so romantically, that I had to go. We didn't know much about this festival, just the location and approximate time when it should start.

Well, first we arrived in Pohang and we had to get to near sea which was still like 50 km. So, we got on the bus which was going to city centre. Actually not. The bus went in other direction, but when we found out, some Koreans told us to just stay on the bus, because it will turn around and go to city centre after few more stops. But at the end the driver told us to get out and catch another bus. Then he told us to get back on the bus. 😕 We have no idea why. But we met two Korean guys from Daegu, and they were confused too (they happened to be in the exact same situation as us 😂). Let me just say that the buses in Korea are sometimes weird and the best way not to get lost is to always ask the driver where he is going.


After few hours we got in the Guryongpo and we accidentally found out that in this city took place
the filming of famous Korean drama When The Camellia Blooms. I didn't watch this drama and I don't even plan to do it, because it's not my cup of a tea. But I have to say that it was pretty famous here. And the place where they shoot it is very nice too.

Walking around this place we realised that we have no idea what we signed up for, because it was really windy near the sea. And I was regretting that I didn't took my sleeping back with me. Well, it was even worse because all the buses to Homigot stopped operating before we arrived, so we had to take taxi. 😢 We're poor students, you know. It hurt. 😁

When we arrived, we took a small walk around the place where the festival was, we managed to get a place in a big resting tent. Fortunately, they had some heaters in there which were working just fine until midnight. We went to see the countdown out which was the best! They played Into the Unknown, so I was singing as loud as possible while hugging everybody. Then we drank sparkling wine (I don't think I can call it champagne, it was very cheap, but surprisingly good) and we played with fireworks (Harry Potter style) before the security guy stopped us. So, we went back to the tent. But!

The big heaters ran out of oil, so they weren't working anymore. And at this point it got super funny. We tried to sleep in different weird positions with all our clothing and well...let me tell you that it was most probably the worst sleep in my life so far. I have slept in worse places, but always with the right equipment. Not this time. So, in the morning we got up quite moody and went to see the sunrise. I wasn't bad, but there were so many people and clouds that we couldn't see the Sun that well Where is the romance? I have to say that for me the countdown was much more memorable. But we got a hot soup for free! The best breakfast ever!

Na obrázku může být: 5 people , including Sin Hong Tan, people smiling , ocean , sky , outdoor a water
The first sunrise of 2020
The way back to the train station was the worst. Most people came by car and there is basically just one road from Homigot to Guryongpo, so it was crowded until afternoon. We waited for few hours in small coffee shop and we were just hoping to catch our KTX train to Daegu on time. Well, we had to rebook it on the way, but we got home safely. If you are thinking about going to Homigot I advise you to pick different day or to be ready for the cold weather, crowds and huge traffic jam. But the whole area is very nice and worth visiting!


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